About computer components

-Now I am going to talk about the components of a computer, and what each of these does and how important they are if you want to save money.


The microprocessor, or simply processor, is the central and most complex integrated circuit of a computer; by way of illustration, it is often associated by analogy as the "brain" of a computer.

The processor is an integrated circuit made up of millions of integrated electronic components. It is the central processing unit (CPU) of a PC classified as a microcomputer. From a functional point of view, it is basically in charge of carrying out all arithmetic-logic, control and communication operations with the rest of the integrated components that make up a PC, following the Von Neumann base model. He is also the main person in charge of executing the programs, be they user or system; it only executes programmed instructions at a very low level, performing elementary operations, basically arithmetic and logic, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, binary logic and memory accesses. This central processing unit is essentially made up of registers, a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU), although currently every microprocessor also includes a floating point calculation unit (also known as a "mathematical coprocessor"). that allows hardware operations with decimal numbers, thus significantly increasing the efficiency that only the ALU provides with indirect calculation through the classic integers.

-In a matter of importance or if it is something to really economize on is subjective, it also depends on what you will use it for, if it is for games or for work or design, so it is better to buy a processor between 100-200 dollars


The motherboard is a printed circuit board to which the components that make up the computer are connected. It is a fundamental part to assemble any desktop or laptop personal computer or any device. It has installed a series of integrated circuits, among which is the auxiliary integrated circuit (chipset), which serves as the connection center between the microprocessor (CPU), the random access memory (RAM), the expansion slots and other devices . It is installed inside a chassis or cabinet that is usually made of sheet metal and has a panel for connecting external devices and many internal connectors and sockets for installing internal components. The motherboard also includes a firmware called BIOS, which allows it to perform basic functionalities, such as device testing, video and keyboard handling, device recognition and operating system loading.

-In this if you can save money, since your model does not affect performance, only in the possibility of adding more ram or making it more aesthetic, you can look for one for 50-70 dollars, but if you are a millionaire you can go up to 100- 150 dollars


Random Access Memory (RAM) is used as the working memory of computers and other devices for the operating system, programs, and most software. All the instructions executed by the central processing unit (processor) and other units of the computer are loaded into RAM, as well as containing the data that the different programs manipulate.
During computer startup, the POST routine verifies that the RAM modules are properly connected. In the event that the modules do not exist or are not detected, most motherboards emit a series of sounds that indicate the absence of main memory. Once this process is finished, the BIOS memory can perform a basic test on the RAM memory indicating major failures in it.

They are called "random access" because a memory location can be read or written with an equal waiting time for any location, not being necessary to follow an order to access (sequential access) the information as quickly as possible.

you can buy if you want a good one it has to be DDR4 2666-3666 mhz, this can be found between 30-40 dollars an 8 gb module

-Power supply

Power supply is a component of the computer that is responsible for transforming an alternating electrical current into a continuous electrical current, transmitting the essential and necessary electrical current to computers for the proper functioning and protection of these. Two types of power sources are known: AT Power Source and ATX Power Source.

The AT power source its acronym AT stands for Advanced Technology translated into Spanish Advanced Technology. AT power source is also known as AT power source, analog source, mechanical ignition source, among others

ATX power supply the acronym ATX stands for Advanced Technology Extended. The ATX power supply is the second generation of power supplies, it is the current power supply that replaces the AT power supply. The ATX power supply is known as ATX power supply, digital source, digital ignition source, among other names. The ATX power supply was created by Intel in 1995 in order to optimize input and output peripherals and reduce the cost of the system.

If you ask me if you should economize on this component, the answer is definitely NO, this is one of the most important components since if you buy a cheap one there is a possibility that your components will be damaged or burned, so it is better to invest about 60- 70 dollars for a basic


In computing, the case, casing, chassis, cabinet or tower of a computer or computer, is the metallic or plastic structure, whose function is to house and protect the components central processing unit (CPU), the random access memory (RAM) , the motherboard, the power supply, the expansion boards and the storage devices or units: floppy disk drive, hard disk drive, optical disk drive (reader or writer: CD, DVD, BD).
They are usually made of sheet metal, plastic or aluminum.
here you can save as much as you want, since this is a matter of aesthetics, one of 40-60 dollars is fine
Well that was all for the components, and then there would be the peripherals that is already a personal matter, such as the mouse, keyboard, monitor etc.
